Our Impact

Evidence of Effectiveness

Children’s Services:

  • 100% of our pre-school graduates entering 1st grade consistently test above grade level.
  • 100% enrolled tested at 80-90th percentile this past year.
  • 100% of our children graduate from our pres-school to first grade with consistently high levels of motivation, ability and academic preparation. Children who graduate from our program are frequently the first in the family to finish high school, with many more going on to college and a more secure future.

Adult Services:

  • 80% of adults in our program show improvement in LIFE SKILLS according to pre and post testing.
  • 75% of adults in our program show improvement in MATH AND SCIENCE according to pre and post testing.
  • 70% of adults in our program show improvement in LITERACY AND WRITING SKILLS according to pre and post testing.
  • 80% of adults in our program make progress in the following according to pre and post testing:
  • Decision making skills, especially in the areas of maintaining wellness and sobriety.
  • The ability to make and keep commitments
  • Advocacy for their children
  • Maintaining a stable and nurturing home environment for their growth and development and for their child’s wellbeing and development.


Currently we serve over 325 individuals and families from the Greater Boston area; 40 in Children’s Services, 35 in Core Adult, 40 in our Alumnae support program, and 85 in Emergency Support and Counseling.  As a result of receiving a grant from DESE in September of 2019, we were able to add an additional 125 students in our morning, afternoon, and evening classes.  Furthermore, in our Holiday Food Pantry in November and December, we serve 50 additional families, feeding over 350 people.  Since 1974, we’ve served over 2,700 families.  In FY21, our participants are 41% African American, 35% Hispanic, 20% Caucasian, and 4% Asian.  Families come to Julie’s from South Boston, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Charlestown, East Boston, Roxbury, and Hyde Park.  Families that travel from outside of Greater Boston may have been transferred out of Boston due to the shelter system, but continue to remain at Julie’s.  50% of our families are homeless, in the shelter system or “couch surfing,” moving from place to place.  45% are in public housing and 5% pay rent.  60% of our eligible women (eligibility is measured at intake) achieved their high school diploma in 2019-2020.  32% currently have open cases with the Department for Children and Families, 91% receive support from the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA).  20% of our families are currently struggling with immigration issues.  In addition, a significant number of families in our program struggle with addiction and recovery issues, suffer from PTSD or depression, have undiagnosed learning disabilities, and deal with legal issues such as restraining orders and custody concerns.  All are committed to changing their families’ lives and creating a better life for their children.