Seasoned Nonprofit Professional Leader Brings Proven Experience and Passion to Local Provider of Supportive Programs, Educational Services

BOSTON, MA September 19, 2022 – The Board of Directors of Julie’s Family Learning Program, which since 1974 has served as a vital resource for women and their families in the Greater Boston Area, today announced Michelle Persson Reilly as the nonprofit organization’s new Executive Director. Ms. Reilly, the long-time leader of the 100-year-old nonprofit Dedham Community House, began her tenure at Julie’s in August.

As a 20-year veteran of the nonprofit sector, including 15 years as Executive Director at Dedham Community House, Michelle Persson Reilly has a passion and commitment for organizations that serve local communities and focus on equity and access.

She has considerable experience and demonstrated success with program management, finance, fundraising, event planning, HR, legislative advocacy, and operations management. Ms. Reilly, a Massachusetts native, holds a B.A. from Smith College and an M.A. from MIT in City Planning where she concentrated on housing, communities, and economic development.

Prior to her tenure at Dedham Community House, Ms. Reilly held positions at the Boston Foundation, Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance, and Casa de Rosas (Los Angeles), an emergency homeless shelter and single-room occupancy facility for women.

“It is a privilege to assume leadership of Julie’s at a time of such exciting growth and possibility for the organization,” said Michelle Persson Reilly. “Together with a deeply-committed staff of professionals and a dedicated board, we will focus on empowering mothers and other adult learners to embrace their strengths and support the future they envision for themselves and their children.”

“Michelle communicates honestly and with integrity. She is passionate about offering opportunity to adult learners, women, and children and is committed to creating pathways out of poverty,” said Board Chair, Sharon Asiaf.  “We are thrilled Michelle will bring her vital experience and remarkable leadership skills to the South Boston community.”

About Julie’s Family Learning Program

Located in a welcoming and inclusive space in South Boston, Julie’s offers free access to life-changing resources that support mothers and their families as they continue their education, prepare for careers, develop parenting skills and strengthen personal resiliency qualities while they build greater stability in their families’ lives and work towards their hopes and dreams.  Julie’s was recently awarded funding from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to expand its delivery of Adult Basic Education (ABE) to all who seek flexible opportunities to attain the educational credentials and workplace skills crucial to meeting their life goals. Learn more at


Michelle Persson Reilly, Executive Director
[email protected]

Sharon Asiaf, Board Chair
[email protected]