Adult Services

Adult Basic Education (ABE)/Career Services

The Adult Basic Education (ABE) /Career Services strand is geared towards any adult over age 16, who is interested in academic classes targeted towards earning a high school credential, and who can dedicate up to 10 hours a week/ 2 hours a day towards this goal. Four levels of instruction are offered mornings and evenings both in-person and online to accommodate work schedules and other time commitments. Digital literacy classes, individual tutoring, career services, and counseling as well as many other support services are also available.

The Adult Basic Education (ABE)/Career Services staff partners with learners to advance and accelerate their academic achievement to the level required for success in postsecondary education/training or employment. One key goal of our ABE classes is to provide opportunities for participants to secure their HiSET diploma. Many of Julie’s ABE students are already employed and need their HiSET diploma to advance within their current organization or to qualify for additional career opportunities. Once this important milestone is achieved, staff work with graduates to chart a transition plan to higher education, job training, union apprenticeships and/or employment.

If you are interested in learning more about Julie’s ABE/Career Services program, CLICK HERE!


Family Development Services

Julie’s Family Development Services strand offers learning opportunities to mothers and their young children by employing a unique multigenerational approach to family development. All adult participants are mothers who are determined to be both effective parents and their child’s first and best teacher. The Family Development Services strand offers each mother an intensive, integrated curriculum that emphasizes both life management and academic skills needed for future success, while engaging her infant, toddler, and pre-school children in a  high-quality, fully licensed, early childhood development program.

Innovative aspects of the Family Development Service strand include:

  • Family literacy activities on site which bring parent and child together to stimulate. and develop a mutual love of learning Click HERE to learn more!
  • Advocacy and support services to provide information and assistance to our families when housing, health, employment, education, and legal emergencies or crises arise
  • Parenting, Health, Home Management,  and Financial  Literacy classes in which specific topics discussed are  shaped by learners’ input and complement Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies classes
  • Class schedules compatible for mothers with preschool and school-aged children

If you would like to begin the registration process for Julie’s classes, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM.